måndag 12 april 2010

English, Tuesday, w. 15

Today, you are going to practise the present tense and word order. Since I am home sick today, you will have to read about the rules in the document below, and then I want you to do the exercises. Review the answers together on the white board. When you have done this, take a look at the two images below. There is a writing task for each one. Pick one and start writing. Next Tuesday, when we meet again for English I want you to show me the exercises as well as the text you wrote.

Rules for the present tense and word order
Exercises for the present tense and word order

Picture One

There is a man sitting on a pole. Make up a story that describes how he got there, what he is thinking now and what happens after. Use the present tense and try to vary your word order. 100-150 words. Click on the picture to see a larger version of it.

The picture is called "Be like Sifaka! Miramar" and comes from Jinto!s photostream on Flickr.com

Picture two

There is a girl getting ready to throw a pillow. Make up a story that describes why she is doing that, what she is thinking and what happens after. Use the present tense and try to vary your word order. 100-150 words. Click on the picture to see a larger version of it.

The picture is called "Pillow Fight (08)" and comes from philippe leroyer's photostream on Flickr.com.

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